Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When the only thing you can do is pray

Today I bring you what is the saddest news I can imagine.  My best friend and her husband, Teresa (Vrazel) and Jon Kiehl lost their youngest son yesterday in a tragic drowning accident.  Ezekiel was only 18 months old. 

Teresa and Jon are some of the most amazing parents, one of the most amazing couples, some of the most amazing PEOPLE I know.  For the past two years they have been serving as missionaries with Family Missions Company in Mexico.  Those of you who went to Franciscan may have seen them in the Franciscan Way a couple of months ago in the article about Franciscan graduates that are now missionaries.  I could go on and on about the great work they do, the churches they've raised money for and built, the food and medicine they provide for people there, the Sacraments they've prepared people for... but that's not what this post is about.  Nor is it about the great love Teresa and Jon show each other and their children.  They have 6 children and Teresa is pregnant with their seventh.  90% of the time they are beaming with love for each other, for their children, and love for God and His people.  Teresa's strong faith has been an inspiration and she has been a witness to me since 8th grade, through high school, college, and in the decade since we graduated.  But their witness, her amazing friendship for the last 20 years, and their missionary work, are not what this post is about either.

This post comes from a place deep within me.  A place where I find it so difficult to express myself with words, a place where only tears can express what I have to say.  Since I heard the news of Ezekiel's death I have been able to think of nothing else.  The hours go by while I teach my students, eat dinner, and go about my day but my mind is elsewhere.  All I can think about is Teresa and Jon's pain at this moment.  My heart aches for them.  If my thoughts do land on what I'm doing, it is only to compare how insignificant whatever I'm doing or thinking about is compared to their situation.  You see, I cannot fathom what they are going through, nothing in my life even compares, nothing I've ever experienced in my life compares.  I have never lost someone so close to me, I'm not even a mother, much less a mother who has experienced the death of her child.  So, I find myself asking the question, "What can I possibly do for them?!"  You know how it is, when you feel overwhelmed and helpless all at the same time.  You feel consumed by this tragedy, and at the same time you want to be consumed because you know it should consume you, it puts everything happening in your life into perspective and it should be consuming you... this is LIFE we're talking about.  But I feel so useless, what can I do for them?  My friend needs me right now!  I'm 1,000 miles away with no way to communicate... what can I do?!  They do not need another casserole brought to their house, a card sent in the mail, or money donated in his name.  Don't get me wrong, these things are VERY helpful, and I'm sure each and every condolence card will be read and appreciated, every plate of food will be eaten by the kids, and every donation will be put to good use (knowing Teresa and Jon they will use it to repair someone's house or build a chapel in a remote area where they are serving).  What I mean is, how can I really help them, where they are hurting the most?  Help them through the suffering and pain?  What can I do?  Teresa has been one of my best friends for TWENTY YEARS and I feel more united to her now more than ever ... I want to do something!

My mind goes to prayer, of course.  I immediately think, "The only thing I can do is pray." but then something hit me, why do I think that?  "The only thing I can do is pray." When in actuality, it is not the ONLY thing I can do, but it's the BEST thing I can do.  What do Teresa and Jon need more than anything right now?  God knows.  I would give anything and everything in my power to relieve even an ounce of their suffering right now.  But wait... I can.  Ahh the beauty of prayer, the most amazing gift you can ever give.  No matter where you are, no matter who you are, rich or poor, near or far, doesn't matter, you can pray for them.  You don't even have to know them, or know how to pray for that matter, just tell God, "They need you right now, and you know what they need... please give them what they need right now."  I ask you to join with me in lifting up their family in prayer.  Do it now, while you're reading this.  Say an Our Father, a Hail Mary, or simply "Lord, help them." It will only take a few seconds but I guarantee it's the best thing you can do for them.  Later today, when their family pops into your head, say a quick prayer again, before you know it their family will have thousands upon thousands of prayers being prayed for them.  Ask the saints and angels to pray for them, ask your friends and family to pray for them.  Oh the Communion of Saints is amazing and we do not depend on each other the way we should!  I beg of you, please pray for them.  It's not the only thing we can do for them, it's the BEST thing we can do for them.

Teresa and Jon are driving home to Mississippi tomorrow.  Ezekiel's funeral will be on Tuesday at Holy Family Church, Pass Christian, MS.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your prayers.  I will leave you with some pictures of beautiful Ezekiel and his beautiful family.