Monday, May 11, 2020

Credit for the Little Things!

Seems like at the end of most days I find myself thinking of all the things I DIDN'T get done that day.  I've been meaning to hang some pictures, work on my son's quilt, clean the bathroom, call a good friend, pay the bills, etc.

Today, while looking after my reflection in my spotless stovetop, I was feeling quite proud of myself and the amazing job I did cleaning my stove.  I felt a little silly as I stood there patting myself on the back for doing something simple I honestly should be doing more often!  

Next I FINALLY hung the clothesline I've been meaning to do for months.  

As the day rolled on, I fed toddlers,  did laundry, made dinner, got kids to nap, all the usual daily things, I got to thinking about my good feelings from accomplishing a clean stovetop and hanging a clothesline.  Why did I feel silly being proud of those little things?  Should we not feel accomplished when we do something good?  Whether it's big or small shouldn't matter.  I'm not expecting to do any "big" accomplishments any time soon.  I've graduated from all the school I plan to attend, I've gotten married, I've birthed two babies, and I'm not planning any big changes in my career.

These small accomplishments are what I should me noting and being proud of, because these small accomplishments are actually building blocks for my only remaining major accomplishment I'm working towards.  My last big goal is to be a good person, a dedicated Christian, and a loving wife and mother.  My days are filled with small things, little bites of time, continually moving from one task to the next.  These small things really are what I should be noting!  These small things, done well, are the things that matter the most, because these are the very things that are getting me to my last major goal.  So, next time your toddler eats all their food without complaint, or potty training is going surprising well, or you had time to deep clean your stovetop and hang a clothesline, or your baby sleeps though the night, or you get your daily prayer time in 3 days in a row, or you finish the yard work, you make a really great new recipe for dinner, or you and your spouse have a really great discussion, feel good about it!  You should feel good about it, you are building blocks and getting closer and closer to your most important goals. 

My last and greatest goal

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